Working with Wood - Knysna

The Working with Wood Show Rips through Knysna and Cross-cuts the Lagoon side village.

Another successful Working with Wood Show took place in conjunction with the Knysna Timber Festival. The show, held from 8-10 Oct at the Premier Hotel The Moorings in Knysna, proved to be a wonderful opportunity to delve in to all things wood and timber.

With 3 days of all things wood and many happy visitors that were wowed by the demonstrations, the craft and the craftsman that produce stunning woodworking pieces. Top demonstrators from across South Africa and from overseas where there to share their woodworking skills and crafts that include woodturning, carving, chair-making, sharpening, boatbuilding, furniture making to name but a few.

Of particular interest was the Kreg K4 Master Jig that always produced an enthusiastic group of visitors. All of them impressed by the speed and simple way of joining wood through the use of Pocket holes and the fantastic Kreg Screw. Go to for some more information.

Thank you to all of you fanatic woodworkers for visiting us. Be sure to catch us next year!

